Mar 9, 2010

the waistline....

well the rumors that were so viciously told previous to marriage about your waistline disappearing and clothing getting a bit tighter....are sad to say....TRUE!

how did we come to face this fact? well, stephen and i are in the middle of packing up and moving once again and this meant going through our closet. we both came across a pair of pants that we are now refering to as our "dream pants",  it's pretty staright forward as to why we are calling them that, but it's our dream to fit into these pairs of pants again for our trip to San Francisco! this means we have some work to do...just another challenge we get to overcome together. ha ha!

we have come to realize it's one of those things in life you just need to have a chuckle at, enjoy, and DO something about otherwise it's a little upsetting ; ) needless to say we're chosing the "bright side" of things!