May 2, 2009

"about face!"

well it's been almost a month now since we ventured away from a home that we've known for years, a place of comfort and familiarity. But WOW has God been taking care of us! It's true friends how faithful he is to his children, of course it's easier to say that when things are going well isn't it? But one thing i know in my heart of hearts is that in his character & nature he is a Good God, not just in ideals, but in reality. i suppose more and more i am just realizing that it's the perspective we see things through that determines our response.

i know that in past circumstances when i have lacked perspective, whether it be my own, or God's, or just the ability to see the bigger picture and where i fit, that i have struggled, a LOT. But when i can remove myself leaving only God and his desires for his children and for my life, that i can return with fresh eyes. now i suppose the question that lingers knowing that is, how to remove? how do we remove ourselves from our circumstance when all we feel is the pressure closing in on us?

well that's a good question, and i think for all of us it's different, perhaps we need to do the very thing we are scared of doing, or don't want to do but know in our hearts it's the very thing we need to do. or perhaps we need to get away, get to a place where nothing's distracting us, or maybe you need to be distracted, i haven't quite figured the answer out to be honest. but i do know that most often it's facing what we run from and being honest with ourselves and most importantly with God.


i have been doing a lot of facing lately and at times it's ugly, real ugly, but it's what i need and so i do what i can to stop, turn, and face...